Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Male urethra is 18 cm in length and is divided into three parts:

Prostatic urethra: encompassed by the prostate gland .This part of urethra extends from the bladder neck to the external urethral sphincter.

Membranous urethra: This is the part of urethra inside the perineal membrane .

Anterior urethra: It is divided into penile and bulbar urethra. The meatus is the opening of urethra on the tip of the glans. The submeatal part is the narrowest part of the urethra.

We had a 40 year old gentleman who presented to us with calculus stuck at the submeatal portion of the urethra. He had painful retention. We did suprapubic aspiration of urine with IV cannula  and then shifted him to OT.There was submeatal narrowing. So  we did a meatotomy and stone extraction. The cystoscopy was essentially normal.


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