Monday, February 11, 2013

Left renal cell carcinoma with IVC thrombus

A 50 year old gentleman presented with mild to moderate  hematuria.On evaluation there was a  left renal mass with IVC thrombus.He was further evaluated with contrast enhanced CT scan which helped us in knowing the anatomical details of the mass and the extent of the thrombus in the IVC.The metastatic work up of the patient was normal.His performance index was also good.
Because of the large size and the vascular thrombus we decided to go ahead with angio-embolisation.Within 48 hours of the proedure we explored the patient with roof- top incision.
The vena cavotomy was done after taking control of the proximal and distal and bilateral renal veins with vascular slings and the thrombus was retrieved.The part of inferior vena cava which was appearing to be involved was also removed and the inferior venacavotomy incision was closed.This was subsequent followed by En Block Radical nephrectomy.

The patient recovered well  after the procedure and the post-operatively after 3 months he is doping well.

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